Livingston  Area Intergroup

"Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety."



The Purpose of the Livingston Area Intergroup The Livingston Area Intergroup (LAI) is a service organization formed by the groups in the Livingston Area, to aid in their common purpose of carrying the A.A. message to the alcoholic who still suffers. The groups, through their elected Intergroup Representative (IR), are responsible for the operation of the Intergroup. The Livingston Area Intergroup – Provides services to A.A. members and any individual seeking recovery from alcoholism – Carries A.A. approved literature and anniversary coins – Maintains a phone line and a list of volunteers willing to make 12-step calls – Distributes current directories of A.A. meetings – Arranges meetings for individuals with special needs – Organizes meetings at Correctional Facilities and Treatment Centers – Updates groups with a bulletin of ongoing A.A. news and activities in the Livingston Area

Call us at 585-245-4440 if you would like to talk to someone. Day or night we are here to share our experience, strength, and hope.

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