Livingston Area Intergroup
"Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety."
The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance to the website coordinator regarding acceptable content to be published on the Livingston Area Intergroup’s (LAI) website and links to be included to other A.A. websites for event information.
While noting the Traditions: “being a spiritual entity having one primary purpose… carrying the message to the alcoholic who still suffers”; that “each group is autonomous except in matters affecting other groups or A.A. as a whole”; that “an A.A. group ought never endorse… or lend the A.A. name”; and that “Alcoholics Anonymous has no opinion on outside issues”, this policy was developed to insure that the website content be aligned closely with the traditions and principles while providing information to assist members by having a central location for links to information on fellowship related events.
Policy:The website content related to events and links shall include:
1. LAI and LAI sub-committee and event information
2. Group anniversary information or an AA group-sponsored event if that event’s primary purpose is to “carry the AA message”
3. AA Service Structure and General Service Office events and information
4. Links to an AA related conference/convention/roundup that is held primarily to carry the AA message provided those events have their own web page
Examples of these links could include:
Conference of the Lakes
Serenity Retreat
Founders Day
Only the link would be provided with the disclaimer that “You are now leaving the LAI website” so that the reader knows they are now on another site. Under the section of these links would be the following wording:
“Please note: By following any of the above links you will be leaving the Livingston Area Intergroup website. These links are provided solely as a convenience. The Livingston Area Intergroup is not responsible for any of their website content.”
The A.A. Guidelines define a conference/convention as “almost any A.A. get-together beyond the group-meeting level. These range from special meetings of one evening’s duration to longer events – area, statewide, or regional conventions.” Please see the A.A. Guidelines – Conference, Conventions Roundups for more information at:
Date policy was originally proposed and presented to the Groups: February 2018
Policy approved by the Livingston Area Intergroup Representatives: February 2018

Call us at 585-245-4440 if you would like to talk to someone. Day or night we are here to share our experience, strength, and hope.
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