Livingston  Area Intergroup

"Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety."



The following are the committees that function within the Intergroup. Listed are the names of each committee with a description of their responsibilities. If you are interested in participating in one of these committees or for more information, email us at:

Accessibility Committee

– The Accessibility Committee assists the Intergroup, A.A. groups, and individuals in carrying the message of recovery to those with special needs, such as the blind, the deaf and the physically disabled.

Q: What is the Accessibility Committee? This is the committee formerly known as “Special Needs.”

Q: What does this committee do? This committee helps get meetings to those folks who cannot get out to meetings. The most common need is among fellow AA’s who are in a nursing home, hospital, or homebound; due to illness or disability. Some of these needs are temporary and some are long-term.

Q: What experience do I need? None! Just a willingness to carry the message to your fellow alcoholics. It is recommended that you have 6 months of sobriety.

Q: Why should I do this? Because giving back what was so freely given to you is HOW IT WORKS, service work keeps us sober, helping others is awesome, and if not you, who?

Q: I want to help! What should I do now? Grab some friends and call Patty M. 716.341.0622

Q: What should I do if I know of someone who is in need of a meeting and can’t get to one; due to illness or disability? Grab some friends and call Patty M. 716.341.0622

Q: What if my schedule does not allow for regular help on this committee? No worries! Call Patty M. 716.341.0622 Various times & dates will be needed.


– The purpose of the Archives Committee is to gather, organize, preserve and maintain donated documents and oral/written histories pertinent to A.A. in the Livingston Area.

Archives Deed of Gift Form

Archives Information sheet

Archives Mission Statement

Corrections – This committee arranges meetings/speakers to go into correctional facilities to carry the A.A. message.
Education and Participation – The purpose of this committee is to foster and encourage group participation in the Livingston Area and to provide training.
PI/CPC – The Public Information/Cooperation with the Professional Community Committee’s purpose is to develop communication with the public and professionals based on the concept of attraction rather than promotion and to provide education about A.A.
Telephone – This committee organizes groups to volunteer each month to be responsible for the Intergroup phone and to provide training for group members.
Treatment – The purpose of the Treatment Committee is to coordinate individuals and groups to carry the message of A.A. into alcoholics who are in treatment facilities.

SERVICE MEETINGS Day and Time  Zoom Information
District 0106/0107 Meeting 6:00 PM
First Thursday of the month

Meeting ID:
836 0070 8745 Passcode: 911302

Livingston Area Intergroup Meeting 5:00 PM
Last Sunday of the month

Meeting ID:
811 4788 9154
Passcode: 484998

Accessibility Committee Meeting 6:00 PM
Third Monday of the month

Meeting ID:
871 8611 4158
Passcode: 000957

Livingston Area Intergroup and District Meetings

Call us at 585-245-4440 if you would like to talk to someone. Day or night we are here to share our experience, strength, and hope.

Email Us

Call us today